Fresh Mushrooms from Alec Soth
As someone who loves his work, I’m always relieved when the holidays are over. I’m particularly excited to start the new year since I’m about to release my new project, A Pound of Pictures.
Sean Kelly (NYC): Jan 14
Weinstein Hammons (MSP): Jan 28
Fraenkel Gallery (SF): Feb 3
I couldn’t be happier about my new book, published by MACK:
Preorder your copy HERE.
The special edition is also really cool.
One of the highlights of 2021 was my collaborative performance piece with Dave King entitled The Palms. We performed at MASS MoCA and The Great Northern Festival.
In the spring, Dave and I will be performing at SFMoMA and are looking for other venues. For booking, please contact Big Fish.
One of the good things about the pandemic is that it gave me an excuse to spend more time in my library. I’ve posted twenty videos (9hrs!) of free talks HERE.
Many thanks for reading this message and supporting my creative work.
Happy New Year,
Alec Soth